To add the forum name to the created thread's title and post content, it should be a matter (as outlined above) of changing the 'title' line in the XML to:
PHP Code:
'title' => 'Reported post in ' .$foruminfo['title'] . ' : ' . $threadinfo['title']
and adding:
PHP Code:
Forum : [url=$vboptions[bburl]/forumdisplay.php?f=$foruminfo[forumid]]$foruminfo[title][/url]
to the Report_post template or by adding it to above the "Thread :" line in the XML file.
If you do have some characters like & or < in your forum title, there may be problems in the created thread's title (as outlined earlier in this thread), but maybe try using htmlentities($foruminfo['title']) or htmlspecialchars($foruminfo['title']) instead of $foruminfo['title'] in the 'title' line.