It sucks to see someone lose something like that. All the hard work and engery put into the site that took many years just gone in seconds.
I don't personally agree with Filburts post either and to go as far as editing
just overgrows name out of the vBulletin credits is really disrespectful. It seems your big on having respect, yet you don't seem to give respect in certain situations. I respect the fact that your agaist smoking pot, and in return; you should respect the fact that there are people out there who enjoy smoking pot.
It's funny because most people who smoke pot around here are very cool induvials. The smoke there pot, don't bother anyone, easy to get along with, and also have enough respect to know that people don't smoke pot and wouldn't wish things bad to happen to people who didn't smoke.
I don't think you would find it very nice if you lost WDF and someone posted a comment like: "Good, I'm glad he lost it cause he doesn't smoke pot". Think about it for a few mins. Plus smoking pot isn't illeagal worldwide like homicide is. How often do you hear the news about someone dead because they smoked pot. I would be suprised if you found any cases of some sort. (being that pot killed someone). Though, you can find tons of cases about smoking ciggerates and drinking.
Originally Posted by filburt1
I'd appreciate some respect. The moderator status alone should convey respect, whether I'm 21 or 12.
You moderator status means nothing. In order to get respect, you have to give respect. Having that status means you make sure users follow the site rules, as long as I don't break them; I don't have to respect you as a person.