can I make a request...
can you add somewhere where we can set all the usergroups in on click ? then if there are some options we don't want a group to have we can go in and edit the groups per item ??
I'm kinda getting tired of after each update having to go thu each option and reset all my usergroups
other then that, I love it
*p.s. when i try and thread options i get this message, and I'm admin so I know i have the option to do any of this
The thread you are trying to close is in a forum that you are unable to close threads in.
p.p.s. - I've seen this posted in this thread before, but if I make my admin group in usergroups a color like <font color="red"> </font> then if they go to the shop,, and buy change name color.. nothing changes ? I've double checked all usergroup options for the shop, but this still gets overridded,, any ideas on what i need to check ?