Ahhhhh, I think I've made a terrible mistake here.
I figured out what the problem is that the mixing query I suggested awhile ago actually makes the hack's query time worse. When using multiple WHERE's in query, it queries ALL the entries out of the table and the filter it through the second WHERE. If there are a lot of thanks entries like mine, it tremendously stresses the server. Look at the image I attached above, at column Row and you'll understand why.
So I strongly recommend switch back to the old time query.
$post_thanks_querys = $db->query("SELECT postid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post WHERE threadid = '$post[threadid]'");
$post_thanks_postids = 0;
while ($post_thanks_query = $db->fetch_array($post_thanks_querys))
$post_thanks_postids .= ",$post_thanks_query[postid]";
$post_thanks_cashe = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " .TABLE_PREFIX. "post_thanks WHERE postid IN ($post_thanks_postids) ORDER BY username ASC");
Lastly, I terribly sorry for suggesting such a flawful mod...