Originally Posted by Saar
Possible Bug:
When trying to add a new category I am getting the following error message: "You may not leave the name fields blank." But I didn't leave them blank.
Warnung: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions_ushop.php (Zeile 535)
Warnung: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions_ushop.php (Zeile 567)
Parent Category No Parent
Warnung: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /admincp/ushop/ushop_admin.categories.php (Zeile 47)
[Saar Edit]
If you click "Save Values" all failure messages will disappear. It's working bow. 
Thanks for help!
I'm sure my telling you this had nothing to do with it. Heh
Glad you got it working.