Nitro and others you are forgetting one small item during this time of development
He, insane-topics, as the developer is supposed to deliver the final product by the deadline, FULLY tested. How is he going to know if it is fully tested by the date. He has no way of knowing that it is functioning properly. This is not just some off the shelf CMS such as VBadvanced that has tons of support. How am I supposed to know if he is going to deliver a 100 %.
During development the coder or responsible party usually delivers software packages in stages for testing or at least something to look at to make sure that I am happy with the results and that it is working as it did or designed.
So if he delivers the software package at 11:59 with all the files, how am I supposed to know if this works, I could be the developer and send you a zip file saying that work is 100% complete, would you trust me if I said it was complete. Here it is the 11th of Feb, 72 hours away from the deadline and I have SEEN NOTHING to show any sort of change on my development site
So for those of you who say that I am jumping the gun here and posting prematurely need to come to a reality and really read into this. This is not some small hack that I am asking for, this is a much more involved system that cannot just go live into a production environment when the developer says so. It needs testing and I am supposed to go live by the agreed date. Unless I am seeing something wrong with my statement then I feel that I am NOT premature in my posting. Natch and DW always sent me updates, telling or asking me if this works on my end as I wanted it designed, not how they felt it was supposed to work, that my friends is called work ethic, something that insane-topics does not have.
Once again, he did not return my phone call, did not answer any of my emails and has not been on line since the agreement has been met.
I did change my thread title, it was a little harsh. Do I still feel as if i slandered him in anyway, NO. If I am wrong, where is the developer to tell his side of the story. Or even better why has he not responded to paypal to tell his side of the story since i disputed the payment (not that I will get it back), but he is close to that cutoff date and still has not responded
Its funny how you developers come to the aid of others. If you know that you have good work ethic, do not post here to tell me that all of you have the same ethics. I do not feel as if I was supposed to warn you as I felt to the other "clients" here at and the vbulletin community. I feel ripped off and I have every right to post a warning to others about this so called developer
Mike Simonds