Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
not sure its working as surely as you are mate, i installed it as per instructions, changed all perms on every file listed in the hooks file.....and enabled it.
first i was presented with a parse error, with Tstrings and whitespace errors all over the place, then when i disabled, and re enabled, the board came on, but the forumhome looked like it had been ravaged by feature eating animals....ie.....nothing was wrrking as it should....lol
Which plugins do you have installed; the files that reported the parse errors can you keep 2 copies, 1 after its been modified (and has the problems, just rename it and place it elsewhere and the original file along with it. You could zip both of these up and upload them somewhere; just PM me with the info.
After I exam the files that are corrupted I will make the appropriate fixes to the hack.
Thanks for the report.
Ps. Did the problem occur after enabling, build all hooks, or build all plugins