I was trying to think of a new penalty for getting caught theiving and maybe a good option would be to make it so if a thief gets caught X times in a row then they can't earn points for a certain amount of time.
I also think it'd be cool if the theiving percentage was scaleable, so if you try to steal 5 points its a lot easier than trying to steal 5000 points. Or make it so if you try to steal 1% of a user's points then its a lot easier than trying to steal 80% of a users points. Or do it by % of the thieves points, so if you try to steal 1% of your total from another user that its easier than trying to steal 80% of your total from someone else.
And this might sound a bit corny, but maybe make it so that thieves have some sort of exp. points so that the more they succeed in stealing points then the easier it becomes for them.
with this you can make it so that stealing from another thief with = or > exp. becomes more difficult.
Maybe add an option for master thieves to steal from banks as well and have different types of banks that are more secure, etc. Also maybe so that master thieves can steal from groups of people instead of just one. Add some options for people to protect themselves from thives too, not just immunity (which I think should cost a lot of points) but like a money belt, a personal safe, etc.. small things that will make it so a theif is less likely to be successful against them.
Also, with the gifts stuff, maybe make it so thieves can steal gifts as well. And maybe make it so thieves can show off the stuff they've stolen in a loot bag or something and maybe a small profile like most successful thieving attempts in a row, most amount of points stolen, times caught, most successful against X user, least successful against X user, most expensive gift stolen.
maybe even allow users to create thieving guilds like a usergroup that a master thief could start and the other thieves pay him X amount of points per month to be a member and it increases their chances of success.