Originally Posted by creedmaniac
can this be made so the refund % is changeable? IE...if someone buys something for 100bux, and then decides he doesn't want it...he only get say 25 back for a refund...or 50 if i set it to 50%.
also a neat idea to incorporate into the above idea...percentage based on time since purchase. IE...Bob buys an avatar for 500bux, changes his mind within 12 hours so he gets 100% refund, but if he waits 4 days he gets 50%, and a week he gets no refund.
you just read my mind after reading the refund feature.
Thats exactly what I had in mind. If a refudn feature is added then every member will use a feature for a while and go back to the store to get their money back and use that money towards buying another feature.
the refund feature should be implemented exactly the way creedmaniac just explained it to be