Originally Posted by gavinzac
can you get it to check the size of the image? and make it so that if the profile pic is too small its ignored or replaced with a "no user profile pic" or whatever.
As I explained somewhere above, NO.
Originally Posted by mchaos
I can't figure out how to change the colors of links in it, without changing the style of the site. color somes up white and turn yellow on hover. how can I customize it?
Of course the links are using the same colors like the rest of the vBulletin. If you want to get other colors, you should know some html and edit the plugin code. I didn't figure the template system out yet, but I'll definately use templates soon.
Originally Posted by ChuckH
I switched to the product and it works great, but how do I change the settings now?
Go to your ACP. I wrote it in the 1st post!!! It's a new entry in the vBulletin settings part called "Friends and/or Buddies in Profle".
Originally Posted by mchaos
how do i set avatars not saved on file system???
You can do that in your ACP and of course look into vBulletins Manual/FAQ.
Originally Posted by mchaos
so is it customary to ignore ppl asking questions?? wtf
you don't even use this plugin... why should i answer you ^^
Originally Posted by Real Talk
do u know how to get users usernames to replace the member id number in the url to their profile
Yes I know

You want me to add that as an option?