Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
ive read all the way through this thread, to get an explanation as to why i get a certain problem, and yet i constantly see this idiot posting in here, wittering on about when its being updated, calling the hack shit etc.....
get a grip mate....theres NO NEED for the slagging off you give this hack, just because you cant get your own way....jeez!!!!
okies...any help....after trying to upload a file, i get this error...
Could not find phrase 'jukebox_errorwriting_x'.
my SQL and PHP are ok version wise as well
I'm always forgetting those small things.
I just changed how the system reports errors and I didn't fix that on the mysql end yet. But, basically that means that your directory is not CHMOD'ED 777 (Which is "yourforumroot/media" by default)
As for the "downloading question", no, this only streams.