this is the problem my provider gives me now that i asked about the length, before that they said there are too many queries running, but right now they say it's because some take up to 2 seconds to load.
26287 av 17 0 16884 7060 4084 S 3.6 0.3 0:00 0 /usr/bin/php
| 7807 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | Opening tables | SELECT
| 7807 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 1 | Opening tables | SELECT
| 7807 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 2 | closing tables | SELECT
| 7820 | av_vbboard | localhost | | Connect | 0 | Reading from net | |
| 7820 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | closing tables | SELECT title, data
| 7820 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 1 | closing tables | SELECT title, data
| 7820 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 2 | closing tables | SELECT title, data
| 7839 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | Opening tables | SELECT * FROM adv_pages WHERE name = 'home' AND active = 1 |
| 7839 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | Opening tables | SELECT threadid, firstpostid FROM thread AS thread
| 7839 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | Opening tables | SELECT permissions, FIND_IN_SET(forumid, '5,22,-1') AS pos
| 7839 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 1 | Opening tables | SELECT permissions, FIND_IN_SET(forumid, '5,22,-1') AS pos
| 7839 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | Opening tables | SELECT imageid, images.title, filename, thumbname, originalname, extension, images.catid , |
| 7863 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT title, template
| 7863 | av_vbboard | localhost | av_vbboard | Query | 1 | closing tables | SELECT title, template
does that help anybody because i dont get it.