this is an amazing hack and its perfect for my site.
however if anybody could do a little extra code for me id be very grateful.
ill use an example: lets say there are 4 usergroups assigned to be working the support system. 1, 2, 3 and 4. in each group lets say there are 3 people. so thats 12 people working the support system. my question is how do you set it up so that when somebody opens a ticket for usergroup 2 then the ticket is automatically sent to one of the users in that group instead of each ticket having to be assigned indvidually.
if that cant be done how would i set it up so that the drop down menu displays which user group each support group member is part of. or even better - rather than having to go into each ticket individually to asign it - could i set it up so that a drop down box displaying the members in each support usergroup would be shown on the ticket title area and then mass processed by clicking assign at the bottom of the page
does any of that make any sense????