Nice one, like it more then my blinking message pm mod. I did change a few things though, since i like my codes clean.
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['pmunread']">
<a href="private.php"><img border="0" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/newpm.gif"></a>
In stead of a full url to private.php, the last will suffice (dont know if it will also work if you have a portal like vbadvanced, guess ill find out soon). Furthermore the image folder is now dynamic, so that the url will work no matter what style you use at that moment.
Also removed the width and height of the image url since its pretty much useless. An image will always be shown by their original sizes if no width or height is added.
Other then that, nice work. Small and clean, just the way I like it.
[high]* clicked install[/high]