Is it possible to improve the Search function? I have almost 1000 files and if I do a Search or advanced search for something I get nothing shows up.
File Cat v1
Cat v2
Cat v3
Cat v4
If I search for 'Cat' it says I have nothing named Cat. If I search for 'Cat v1' then that file will show up, but not the other ones. It seems that you need to type the exact file name for it to show up.
Also, if you have several files with similar names, the search seems to bypass them and say you have nothing with that name.
Typing in 'Dog' under search does not show those files unless you you type in the exact file name. I'm using v2.1.2. Any ideas?
BTW, is there a way to have it make a link to display the newest 10 files uploaded? Or perhaps a link to a page showing them or even showing the top 10 downloaded files, etc.?