Help Please....
I have Vbulletin and RealChat integrated. I have the profile information from Vbulletin displayed for the chat room. There is one problem though. I can't get the age from Vbulletin to display in the chat room. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Here is the code I am using to display the information. Everything works good, except the age.
<param name="nick" value="<?php echo $vbulletin->userinfo[username];?>">
<param name="embedded" value="yes">
<param name="channel" value="room name">
<param name="pLabel1" value="Gender:">
<param name="pValue1" value="<?php echo $vbulletin->userinfo[field14];?>">
<param name="pLabel2" value="Age:">
<param name="pValue2" value="<?php echo $vbulletin->userinfo[age];?>">
<param name="pLabel3" value="Location:">
<param name="pValue3" value="<?php echo $vbulletin->userinfo[field2];?>">
<param name="pLabel4" value="">
<param name="pValue4" value="">
<param name="pLabel5" value="">
<param name="pValue5" value="">
<param name="pLabel6" value="">
<param name="pValue6" value="">
<param name="pLabel7" value="">
<param name="pValue7" value="">
<param name="pLabel8" value="">
<param name="pValue8" value="">