Originally Posted by princeton
it's a good start...
- remove the BIG UNDER CONSTRUCTION image
- move the search block to the top
- with all these new sections I recommend adding a site map
FAQ/COMMENTS: (q - question; c - comment)
Q: Why have 2 log-in blocks on portal?
C: you only need one ... more than one will confuse visitors
Q: Do you really think the WEATHER block is used by visitors?
C: right now it's just taking up space ... non-members see nothing
Q: Regarding you choice of link color, do you think it provides enough contrast for reading?
C: currently, it's hard to read links found in navbar 'cause of your choice of text color and the gradient background .... this problem exists everywhere the gradient exists
Q: Do you think it's necessary for such a B I G . H E A D E R?
C: your header is taking up so much space that it actually hurts you; plus, it is poorly done ... I recommend something smaller and more colorful -- showcase a car or two up there.
Q: Do you really think visitors need to have a direct link to STAFF on the navbar?
C: it's something that is not needed ... I say remove it totally.
Thanks for the input.
The construction graphic I removed, that's been up there for awhile and I've forgot
I've made some changes going by what you've mentioned. The sitemap I will get to work on. The only one I have to leave is the staff link. I've had few members complain that they didn't know who to contact. It's a little oversized, but haven't recieved any of those complaints no more.
I'm also gonna get to work on the banner also, I've gotten tired of it myself
Once again, thanks!!
Originally Posted by Blindchild02
the forum looks ok.
but i personally hate the srt4 
such an ugly car, you cant improve on a neon... lol
and the stock exhaust that comes on it .... awful haha
well, in the end, the forum looks alright 
haha. Everyone has their opinion. I'm a mustang/camaro/firebird fan myself, but shh... don't tell anyone