it's a good start...
- remove the BIG UNDER CONSTRUCTION image
- move the search block to the top
- with all these new sections I recommend adding a site map
FAQ/COMMENTS: (q - question; c - comment)
Q: Why have 2 log-in blocks on portal?
C: you only need one ... more than one will confuse visitors
Q: Do you really think the WEATHER block is used by visitors?
C: right now it's just taking up space ... non-members see nothing
Q: Regarding you choice of link color, do you think it provides enough contrast for reading?
C: currently, it's hard to read links found in navbar 'cause of your choice of text color and the gradient background .... this problem exists everywhere the gradient exists
Q: Do you think it's necessary for such a B I G . H E A D E R?
C: your header is taking up so much space that it actually hurts you; plus, it is poorly done ... I recommend something smaller and more colorful -- showcase a car or two up there.
Q: Do you really think visitors need to have a direct link to STAFF on the navbar?
C: it's something that is not needed ... I say remove it totally.