Originally Posted by nailerpa
Is there a way to make the text in the annoucement block blink? I tried the <blink> and </blink> tags but they didn't work. Thanks!
<blink> tag does not work with IE.
Not tested but this should work:
Put this javascript into your headinclude template:
PHP Code:
<script language="JavaScript">
var on_color = "#FF0000";
var off_color = "#000000";
var blink_onoff = 1;
var blinkspeed= 500;
function blink()
if( blink_onoff == 1) {
document.all.blink.style.color = on_color;
blink_onoff = 0;
else {
document.all.blink.style.color = off_color;
blink_onoff = 1;
Then use this in your announcement:
PHP Code:
<font id=blink>My announcement</font><script>document.all.blink.style.color = off_color;setInterval('blink()',blinkspeed);</script>
You can google for "blink + IE" for more info about blinking effect in IE.