Originally Posted by its_me_that_guy
So in order to post to multiple forums, what would you suggest?
Example. My site has a forum for star wars, warcraft, and dark and light. Would like 1 alert posting star wars news in star wars forum, 1 posting for warcraft, etc.
Would I just rename your files, and setup 3 times?
Hmm.. Well, if you really want to do that, what I would do is make a copy of vbox.php for each forum you wish to post to. Edit each vbox.php script to find all of the:
Replace them with your own variables that you define at the beginning of the script.. For example, create a variable for your popserver:
$popserver = 'localhost';
Then find:
Replace that in the script wherever you find it with $popserver.
Same thing with :
$vbulletin->options['gvbuser'] - pop username
$vbulletin->options['gvbpport'] - pop port
$vbulletin->options['gvbpass'] - pop password
$vbulletin->options['gvbfuser'] - user ID to post as
$vbulletin->options['gvbforum'] - forum ID to post to
Then you can call each script as you want through the scheduled task or manually.
You will have to set up a separate POP box for each alert.
That is the only way I can suggest at the moment.