Thanks for the help.
It turns out I was a little mistaken about how to write the plugin. It currently looks something like this:
// Get current time and deadline.
$now = time();
$then = explode(',',$vbulletin->options['fantasygame_closingtime']);
$deadline = mktime($then[3], $then[4], 0, $then[0], $then[1], $then[2]);
// If the deadline has passed, update the setting.
if ($now >= $deadline) {
$db->query_write("UPDATE setting SET value = 0 WHERE varname = 'fantasygame_picksactive'");
Here's the issue: I ran the SQL statement in phpMyAdmin to test it, and while it updates the database correctly, and I see the setting change in the control panel, I don't get the desired effect on my forum home (which is to make a couple of links disappear based on a conditional). I still need to save the settings in the control panel (even without making any changes to them!) in order for it to show up how I want it to.
I'm guessing there's something else I have to do... any ideas what it is?