Originally Posted by bcmedia
I worked on Gripemaster 's board and he was having the "blank message" problem. So I changed the template it uses to the regular send a pm template instead of quick reply. this worked.. So I'm guessing it's some other hack that I don't have installed.
So, if you are one of these users, use
second zip file which I just uploaded... pm_quick_reply_101_alt.zip (this will use the template pm_newpm instead of pm_quickreply)
hope this helps.
That worked for me ... not sure what it was that was causing the error though.
A couple more questions/requests
- Why does the quick reply button appear though? ... it doesn't do anything. Surely it would be better to use this to quote the message but not clicking it doesn't quote ... or something like that.
- Anyway of having this like the showthread quickreply ... so that the message doesn't actually appear in the box
- Anyway of reducing the amount of bbcode options to make it look more like the showthread quickreply?
Otherwise, thank you