Originally Posted by fortnox
Very thanks for your experiment
The easiest way to achieve this at the moment is to 'close' all the categories in which you do not want your users to add new entries. Leave open the categories where you want them to be able to add new entries. You do this with Administer/Categories/open and close. Closed categories will accept entries from the admin but not from other users.
The next release will provide separate 'add link' permissions for each category, making it easier to do what you want.
Originally Posted by fortnox
With my second Question i mean:
If i open a Link, on right side stand: show rates and comments. so i must klick on it to see all rates and comments. Is it possible to can see rates and comments always under the link ? :nervous:
No, this is not possible at present, because a) it would probably make the display look a mess and b) it makes the database query more complicated and expensive to perform. I'll give it some thought.