I would imagine that would take a CRAZY amount of coding to do.
Not only would someone have to code all of the options for the "vB Mini" (known as Pogo Mini on pogo.com), it would also have to be coded for someone to choose if they want to use the mini as an avatar or their own.
I'm sure it can be done. But it's a matter of what is planned for the next release, then the next release after that. Also depending on what the window is for each release, set by MrZeropage of course.
Granted, this isn't too bad of an idea, as I am SURE a good amount of people would like it. It's just a matter of coding ALL options of which shirt to pick, which pair of pants, which hair style/color, skin color, accessories (sunglasses, handbags, etc.), backgrounds, hats. Then coding for all of it to be put together to look ok.
Not only that, but you can't just upload any old image of a shirt and assume it will look as if it's placed properly on the peron in the mini/avatar.
In conclusion, it would take a team of people to code this. Each person taking responsibility for specific areas. It would take a long time to get everything done, test it, make sure it all works, everything lines up, etc. just so it all looks good. Pogo has specific images they use, all made to "fit" the mini's on their site. I would imagine that SOMETHING could come from this idea, even if that something were VERY small. Then updated periodically to add options. Let's not even get into also having to code a points system to co-operate with the code for everything else to add/minus points as you "purchase" items.
I, for one, LOVE a challenge. I'm more than willing to work with Zeropage, if he'd like, to try and make something work with an existing points/ucash system. Or even creating one for the arcade itself. In the meantime, I'll look into it when I have time and see what I can conjur up, lol.