Originally Posted by XtremeOffroad
I thaught so but I didnt even see it there.
Edit: I do not have vb_bots but do have a Bots which contains
Field Type Collation Attributes Null Default Extra Action
id int(11) No auto_increment
bot varchar(255) latin1_swedish_ci No
nice_bot varchar(255) latin1_swedish_ci No
timestamp datetime Yes 0000-00-00 00:00:00
ip_address varchar(255) latin1_swedish_ci No
page varchar(255) latin1_swedish_ci No
rollup int(11)
Space usage:
Type Usage
Data 0 Bytes
Index 1,024 Bytes
Total 1,024 Bytes
If this is what you were referring to.
Do the rest of your tables have any sort of prefix? (like vb_ or something similar)
There's no data in that table, that's why it's not showing you any data.