Originally Posted by christianb
Ok, I've tried doing a search, and searching this thread and with no luck and after sifting (over a two-day period) nearly 1200 posts and going through nearly 80 pages, I've not seen the problem I face (unless I overlooked it). Before I could live with it, but now its more of an annoyance.
Does anyone know how to correct the issue with special characters? { <, >, ", etc.}
When someone shouts with a special character, it displays the > or < or whatever the html equivelant is. Given enough time I may find a solution, but I wanted to know if someone has already encountered this and their solution? Thanks!
I've found the problem. This issue derives from the "security fix" listed in this thread where I changed:
'shout' => TYPE_STR,
'shout' => TYPE_NOHTML,
If I change it back, I get the special characters, if I keep it, I have to deal with the >, <, etc.