Originally Posted by bada_bing
Where and how to I apply this code? I have been wanting to do this? Also how can yo do this for certain usergroups?
Just wanted to get an update
Just want to get an update to my reply
Ok, the code goes in the header template, replace the current image URLs with the images of your logos, can be used with as many or as little images as you want

But remember to change the random number array to comply with the image amount
2 images
// Create a random number between 1 and five
random_num = (Math.round((Math.random()*1)+1))
Notice the bold change.
Another small thing...
To remove the borders of the images, replace
document.write("<img src=\"" + image[random_num] + "\">");
document.write("<img src=\"" + image[random_num] + "\"border="0">");