Originally Posted by gamebgs
is it supposed to take all the lines away from the source?
It strips all whitespace and linebreaks.
Except in JS and some other blocks.
Originally Posted by gamebgs
and the result is: Nope it doesn't work with vb drupal...
works fine for my forums though so installed...
[high]* gamebgs clicks install[/high]
What doesn't work?
What are the effects?
Originally Posted by ryuji
hellcat should make a new one since the original writer poof'd long ago, i will try it on my boards later on durring the week
Since the last edit it doesn't even contain one single line of the original code

Well, besides the % calculation for the footer stats, but I'm going to change this as well in a way that you can place that stats display wherever you like (or hide it).
How about something like this:
(this is a real shot, and actually works already, no fake

The stats makeup itself is now stored in a template and no longer hard-coded - so you can not only place the thing where ever you like you can also easiely customize it