There is a flip side to this though. One could argue that if a hack is released as "un-supported" right from the start and then quite a few bugs are quickly found with no fixes coming forward from the author becuase he advertised from the start it's un-supported.
Why should that hack remain on the site? Should it not be removed as a problem hack with no support at all. To avoid members installing it and causing problems with there site, only to find there has been no help and support with that hack right from the very word go. And when they try and get help from others they get a door slammed in there face saying things like: "Read the title - It says Un-Supported".
I would have thought the main aim of is quality, not quantity.
From my point of view, while I understand that people have real lives out there that take up there time. If a person knows when he releases a hack he simply doesn't have the time to add at least "some support" to it. I think he should think twice about even releasing it until he can at least add some limited support to it. As 99 times out of 100. Bugs are found in most hacks sooner or later.