Originally Posted by Paul M
Perhaps some members are more polite to people who PM them with questions ....
maybe, but when you state in your signature that you don't code anymore, and you continue to receive unique requests in PM... not funny...
when you state in your releases that you are available for questions in PM, no trouble, this is correct... but new members that send you 2 or 3 pm just to say they are not happy with your attitude because they want you to code for them, i think it's enough for some guys to be really annoyed by new members that know nothing of the rules of life.
Originally Posted by calorie
While it's not an excuse to be rude, the point is that this site is growing, and in the time it took to compose this message, there have been 15 new members.
lol.. you think too slowly, or you are sleeping on your keyboard calorie.. lol
i think that if this site becomes a Support Forum for any kind of vBulletin related codes/requests, the site needs a solid technical team... there is actually none... moderators for forums are not tech guys... a forum like "ask the tech" is not built, so people ask anybody about anykind of questions...
new edit:the problem i also that on vbulletin.com, when a client ask for a modification of the forum, he is redirected here right away... this is illogical... vbulletin.com is the first line of service, and they offer none if you want to edit even a single line...
there is no Frontline Support Forum here, nobody paid by Jelsoft to answer all requests redirected from vb.com... this is a major lack in the Public communications... people think that when they come here, they will have all the support and codes they need because the company said that...
this need to be fixed... even if the vb.org guys think that's not the goal of this site.