Originally Posted by yellowchaser
I just spent the last 45 minutes going through everything, even checked everything in the xml file to make sure it was all there and added correctly in my forums. I went through the installation 3 times, step by step. Still gives me the same thing. :disappointed: I can't find what is causing this
Send me a PM with a user acount to your forum, I'll have a look at it.
Originally Posted by DaFire
I have some users I send an pager who don't get a pager window and if they click on the "Pager Messages" link they get an empty inbox althougt it says 1 new page message on the forum homepage
One of them uses IE, I tried IE myself and had no problem.. I try to get more information from them.
suggestion: the export as txt messages of the inbox/outbox is great, but it would be cool to export the messages i received and sent to a specific user .. so you get kind of a chat history
Is it saying Unread 1, or total is 1?
About your suggestion, I just used the PM method of downloading "exproting messages".
Originally Posted by redundanthost
ok uhmm im testing a new forum with vbpager. It doesnt auto pop up unless i refresh the page or click a link on the forum or whatever. But for the tester friend of mine it pops up without clicking anything (note he doesnt have an admin account if thats got something to do with it)
Admin account has nothing to do with that, if you Have set the time period for AJAX, then it should popup for all with no refresh.
Originally Posted by SparKeh
A user on my forum has problems using the pager, I've logged into his account and it works fine.. I received the pages he didn't get etc. Is there something in his browser settings he could maybe check/change?
Is he running the latest browsers?
Originally Posted by UBRF
That's not showing up on my forum?? Can you give me the code I need to put it in there?
You don't see the vB Pager Permissions under the usergroup permissions???
Are you sure you uploaded all the files?
Originally Posted by .Tim
I searched and didn't find any reference to this (maybe I missed it) but it would be nice if this used the buddy list already available in vbulletin.
That would require a code modifications to the original vb's file, and the buddy list already available in vbulletin has some other use, where if you got someone in your ignore list, you won't be able to see his/her posts, and they won't be able to PM you, I didn't want my Pager hack to have such thing, but uses it's own lists.
Originally Posted by Stoneyreef
When setting up the usergroup based permissions, have all the boxes, and check boxes but no text. It is all blank.
Also not showing up in the user control panel, nor in the user profile, nor in the quick links.
Where did I go wrong?
running 3.5.0
You sure you did all the template edits to the correct style?