Hmm, well, this place isn't exactly "unfriendly". I just see people getting tired of answering the same questions over and over, and especially when their support is completly free of charge, I don't see why they have to hide behind a smiley face. Because if they do this, a particular member will never learn to search before asking.
And frankly, this place is not what it was a few years ago. There are far less supporters, far less hack makers, so what's this going to result in? Requests for hacks not being fuffiled. Some are too big or complicated for some coders, others have lives etc. You need to understand that.
And as a few people have said, most unfriendliness comes from members basically teasing and flaming people who post things in the wrong forum. And it's never one member, sometimes it can be a whole page thread with "zomg idiot posting wrong thread I HATE YOU" and so forth. That really has to stop and I have told members several times to cut that out. There's only so much I can do in that situation.
What I'm going to end this with is - never complain about a free service. It will never be perfect, but it's still decent. Be patient, and people will respond. Bump responsibly, too. If nobody answers your support thread - it's not that people are ignorning you, it's that they might not know how to solve a problem. Not everyone here knows every nook and cranny of vB.