Known IP Alert System
The concept:
the admin is allowed to listing in admincp via a plugin or product a set of IP numbers and if they are in using giving an automatic alert in admincp or directly via email.
This idea I'm bringing because most of banned user re-register and targeting (most of them) to damage the community and the quality of the forum.
an example you banned the user Momo and Momo have used the IP
Then you tipping that in the requested modification and if the IP is re-using the system will give an alert.
It have to be also possible to put not only full IP I mean only a part like this 85.100.200 and than the system will give an alert if the IP or greater was or is in using.
in some regios and countries the clients became IPs like 85.100.2XX.XX and that will be a powerfull help to find re-registering and to clean the banned user to have a little more cleanless.
Hey vb coder did you like this idea? Or is there a similiar thread?
Or any other kinds of idea?
Thanks in advance.
Regards from the alps
PS: I know there is a search via IP included in vbulletin but is not so good in handle.