[high]* Guest210212002 thinks Princeton should try the search.

Originally Posted by peterska2
/applaud, well said.
As far as requests going ignored, one trend I've seen more lately than before (I've actually been a member here for almost 3 years, just a new S/N), is that people don't take the time to even properly format their questions.
"iwant to make vb pages work wit template wut shud i do??????"
I'm not an expert, but I've run vB sites for about 5 years and I know my way around the templates fairly well. 50% of the time, unless it's something quick, I ignore posts like that. Call me a grammar nazi, but if people can't take the time to type their requests in a way that I can read them, I'm not going to spend 10 minutes looking for an answer.
Additionally, any time I post a question (and I do, quite a bit), if I figure out a solution, I try to make a habit of going back and editing my post with the fix, so that anyone else searching will see my answer.