A quick mod you can make to the coding. If you want the # of threads with new posts, instead of the # of newly CREATED threads, replace:
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->userinfo['newthreads'] = $db->query_first("select count(*) as newthreads from ".TABLE_PREFIX."thread where dateline >= {$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']} and visible = 1 and sticky in(0,1)");
In the plugin, with:
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->userinfo['newthreads'] = $db->query_first("select count(*) as newthreads from ".TABLE_PREFIX."thread where dateline and lastpost >= {$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']} and visible = 1 and sticky in(0,1)");
Happy trails~
Edit: Oh ffs can someone move this to the Extensions forum, I mistakenly posted it here. :/