Another issue, I wonder if I'm alone on this:
Let's say I click "PREVIEW" ... but then back out and decide NOT to send the PM after all.
It still shows up in my "Sent Items" folder, as if it was sent. I contacted the users in question and they didn't actually receive the PM, so it's not like I confirmed it by accident... the SuperPM wasn't sent. Yet my Sent Items folder says it was.
I've played with this a few times now, and despite the fact that all I did was "Preview" and didn't actually send the PM... it shows up in my Sent Items folder.
EDIT: I now realize this is a conflict/bug with the
Advanced PM Options hack. Basically, if you have the "Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder" option checked, it will save a copy of your message as "sent," even when you are merely previewing it.
(For the record, this doesn't happen with "regular" PM's... only "Super PM's" generated with this extension.)
Regardless, I posted about it
here in the Advanced PM thread as well.