Simple concept, use this thread to thank someone for a hack or style they may have created. I think a thank you means a lot more then any title here. It takes a lot of time to create and develop these hacks/styles to just hand them over when they could easly horde them for their own needs. I know most of us give thanks in the actual hack/style thread but lets take some of our time to do it again here.
[high]* Corriewf thanks The Geek for the article hack for 3.0.3.
[high]* Corriewf thanks Danny for his imageshack attachment hack.
[high]* Corriewf thanks Griffen for his Bluepearl style.
[high]* Corriewf thanks Paul M for well.....just about the heart of vB Flashchat integration.
[high]* Corriewf thanks tamarian for vbspell.
[high]* Corriewf thanks Andreas for Restrict style to Usergroup.
There are more to come but this is what is on the top of my head at 6:00 am.
*For thread efficiency please keep all posts to just thank yous and gratitude of being in receipt of.