Originally Posted by The Geek
If the editor does not have focus, the images get thrown in the top of the page. Its a clearly defined Known issue in the first post (always has been).
I am not too sure as to what could cause the blank pages, or bad image paths. The key problem is that this was designed for a version of vbagallery that is no longer available or supported. PP support was put in, but only blindly as I don't own it, and I don't know what else has changed with ppgallery now.
In a nutshell, its a sticky mess and I'm not sure how to proceed. Maybe its best to scrap the hack all together which seems a shame as most people seem to be cracking on pretty well with it.
Geek, it IS a cracking hack and perhaps one of the most useful (except for GARS, of course). We use it all the time.