Okay i did all the fixes that were posted
I edited the template and removed the >>
Added the field in phpmyadmin on the jukebox_media table
Was no need for me to add sql tables as they were allready there
Everything seems to be working except:
Add Media:
It uploads fine..tells me that it is there
But it is not
Checked 3 times to make sure that it was chmodded to 777 and it was
So dunno there
The listing and the most accessed media links tell me that there are no more entries to view
In Highest Rated column i get the direct link that makes me download the songs
Thought it would stream but either way
it's the same amount of bandwith right?
Also....the files that i manually uploaded into my media folder
One has spaces and one doesn't
They both work for downloadlinks but neither of em work otherwise
I have the latest version of Media Player installed
IE nor Firefox seem to work at all (except to download)
Is there a fix out there for it?
I love the jukebox..but would prefer for it to stream so no trouble will come my way due to copyright issues