Originally Posted by Marris
Are you using vBulletin version 3.5.3? That's the only version I've tried it on.
Double check that you followed steps 2 and 3 exactly.
Check the hook locations and make sure you have replaced field99 with the field Name of your own Custom Profile Field.
You can see the Field Name in the User Profile Field Manager in the Name column. It should be in the format fieldx (where x is a number). You should NOT be using the Profile Title to replace field99.
Also note the plugins are not exactly the same, step two uses $post, while step 3 uses $userinfo. Also make sure the plugins are Active (tick the checkbox).
Also double check the main vBulletin Options > Plugin/Hook System : check YES to Enable Plugin/Hook System.
That last one is my omission, I will update the first post. If you didn't have any Plugins active before this, you might not have had it enabled.
If none of those suggestions get it working, then I'm not sure what to try next. Maybe look for conflicts with other hacks you have installed.
A general note: On my own forum, I have successfully completed converting all my members that previously used the built-in usergroups/ranks system for single user rank images to this Custom Rank Images hack. I removed the old rank images and deleted the usergroups and everything seems to be working fine.
I am using this hack only for single user ranks, the bulk of my users' ranks are still determined by the standard Rank Image system for the default Registered Users group.
Permissions and usergroups are a lot easier to manage with a fraction of the usergroups I used to have, and it's a snap to add a new Custom Rank Image for additional users now.
I am using 3.5 (with the hotfixes) so I dont know if that has something to do with it. I should hope not.
I have went through all my plugins and tried disabling everyone that uses the member_complete for example but no luck. Its already late tonight so I will try a mass disable tomorrow and see if I can find the culprit.
Thanks again,