Originally Posted by yinyang
looks great. if you increase items on the menu, does the menu box scale bigger? also, i like the rounded edges on the bar where you register. there's a lot of circles so would it be possible to round the edges where the tcat are?
*clicks install*
The tcats could obviously be rounded, but it's beyond the scope of what I had planned on doing for this style. It would not be very hard to do it though.
And yes, the menu can scale bigger. I made it capable of accepting 3 site links by default, but if you stretch the forum links above them in one row, you will have more room to fit more links. However, this would mean you would need to redo the template, as well as change the graphic.
I can do custom incarnations of the design, but I won't do them free. The time already invested in the style is a nice gift to the community, I feel.