Upgraded, thanks.
One thing I added you might consider - I track the last referrer link into my site for each entry so that instead of click on
www.google.com, it clicks to the last google.com referrer link into the site - this shows me what search term was used last to get to my site - or if coming from another website tells me what page actually directed the user to my site.
Having just the domain name is nice, but knowing where the referral came from is even nicer.
Since I haven't looked at the new caching code, here's what I had under the older code:
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "psistats_referrer
SET count = count + 1, dateline = '" . TIMENOW . "', refline = '". $db->escape_string($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ."'
WHERE referrer = '" . $db->escape_string($referrerdata['host']) . "'