Originally Posted by Injektilo
I've just made a style 100% identical to vb.org smooth blue style. ALL images are made from me! (Did not copy them from vb.org) and i have the .psd for 'em.
My question is it illegal or ... not cool to use it? And if so, will it be ok to use it with different colors etc?
Please don't go against me now, i just had a lot of time in my hands and did this style since i couldnt think one of my own :P
Its only illegal if you block the copyright and have not bought a branded free option or if you do not give me a copy of this style for free.....

Ok I lied about the lasat part. :ninja:
Originally Posted by smacklan
ummm...I must be missing something in this conversation, but what you are saying is you've basically ripped their skin...it doesn't matter if you wrote it or not...images are copyrighted and you sound extemely close to being in copyright enfringement waters.
How do you copyright the colors there smacklan? She/He said they made thier images.....
Originally Posted by Injektilo
well, when you see them, you wont be able to know the difference, except the language on some buttons
Why do you not change it up just a bit.