Originally Posted by ajnin
%20 should never be in a url... period
Personally, I agree. However, I have included the option in 1.0. It is not turned on by default, nor would I do it, but I'll leave it up to the owner.
Originally Posted by ajnin
filenames should never be longer(at max) than 31 charcters. its a mac thing
Ooh, excellent. I think that'll make a fine addition to the options in the ACP. I'll see what I can do.
Originally Posted by ajnin
- does this hack have any way to actually prevent duplicate content being spidered by the search enginges?
Not currently. With the 1.0 release, it will use 301 redirects (once I get it working) for showthread. I hope to add more additions in the 1.5 release.
Originally Posted by ajnin
and yes from what i have read about this hack is that the queries need to be reduced.
As soon as Dean explained what was wrong, it was fixed for 1.0
Originally Posted by ajnin
(and most likly paid  )
vRewrite itself will remain free. I've spent many hours working on it, and I don't have any plans to turn it to paid. However, donations are always very welcomed