Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
In Dutch we separate thousands with a dot instead of a comma, ie 1.000 instead of 1,000.
That was no problem, I changed the str_replace from comma to dot.
But we also have some users that browse in the English language. For them the postpercentage and posts per day don't give the right results now.
Is there anyway to replace the str_replace to an other php command that replaces the . AND the , with a space?
OK, found a solution
Find this code
(str_replace(',', '', $vbulletin->userinfo['posts'])
and replace it by this:
(preg_replace(array('/\./','/\,/'), '', $vbulletin->userinfo['posts'])
That code is found three times.
That seemes to do the trick, I don't know if it's a very elegant solution, since I'm a php n00b, but it works