Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
Inferno Warning System updated to v1.3
1.3 Updates:
- Bug Fix: Warning points to be given were not consistant with maximum points allowed (the drop down menu went from 0 - 10 no matter what)
- Bug Fix: Those who cannot recieve PMs (either via turning it off themselves or due to other permissions) resulted in an error when you tried to warn them, this no longer happens but the PM will not send.
- Added new flexible warning expirations 'Hour' (Allows you to make the warnings expire in hours aswell as days/months)
- Added extensive flexible ban times (Now allowed to ban a user for x hours/days/months)
- Added post modifier notice (Allows the staff member to automatically add a notice to the top of the users post, allowing others to see that the post was warned)
- Zero Tolerance
sweet, just got my update email..
