Originally Posted by YLP1
I used the upgrade instructions because I had the arcade on my 3.07 version. I now have the 3.5.2 version.
I followed the upgrade instructions and doubled checked all template modifications and the v3 Arcade Settings.
My arcade page is not showing the forum's skin and all but the game mini icons are broken. Viewing one of the broken images, the path is http://www.lincolnparkforums.com// .
url to Arcade is http://www.lincolnparkforums.com/arcade.php
The Arcade Games directory is set at games
The Arcade Images directory is set at images/arcade
My bburl does NOT have the end slash.
Edited to Add: When clicking on a game to play, the game dosesn't show.
I am fairly new at this php/vb so any help on how to fix this is greatly appreciated.
i had the same problem buddy, you have to un-install your previous arcade then install this one.