Originally Posted by Tony G
It's going to happen. It's not something that will happen overnight, but it will eventually happen. People involved with the hack database and upgrades also have other commitments and actually have lives (zomg), and we want to make sure everything is perfect before the upgrade - it's a big forum after all. And I thought a hacker like yourself Paul would understand something so simple. But I've lost count how many times you've slammed the staff for not upgrading fast enough... WE'RE SORRY!
Tony, I have not "slammed" anyone - I have stated the facts - the same reasons have now been given out time and time again - vb 3.5 has been around for 7 months now. I have also repeated a number of times - if the people involved are so busy then ASK FOR HELP - the forum is full of coders who I'm sure would be more than willing to assist.