I have a usergroup based rank system. I'll be glad to share it with you but it's more of a tutorial than a hack. I'll post the whole shebang in the tutorials forums. The advantage is each rank is it's own usergroup so they have to ask for promotions (or apply using a form) and the promotions officer changes their primary usergroup. Certain ranks have certain privilages. Very neat. Displays rank in postbit as well.
For awards, I had the same thing applied except instead of usergroups, it used profile fields. That proved to be a huge hassle compared to YetAnotherAwardsSystem hack.
Because the ranks are hard coded into the postbit template, you can make variations of a style where if a user selects the Blue - Marine Corps style, they see the same style but Marine Coprs equivilant ranks.
Sorry for the off-topic.
EDIT: I have included the images with the style.