Btw, another question is that how difficult to make access to link based on category? Say Registered member can access to A and not B category, but Premium members can access to both. Just a thought.
Originally Posted by AndrewD
You do this with the forum-based permissions system.
Chose (or create) two forums which have the usergroup permissions you want, let's say Forum 1 (Registered and Premium access) and Forum 2 (Premium only)
'Associate' all the links that you want to be available to your premium users only with Forum 2. You set this on the link edit form, or you can 'mass edit' all the links in a category using the Admin/Category page
Ditto 'associate' all the links you want to be available to registered and premium users with Forum 1.
You can set LDM up so that protected links are visible (or not) to other users witht he Admin/Permissions/Can see protected links on portal permissions
Andrew, when I associate all the links to Forum 2 for premium access, all the category and LDM disappear. I want all the links in Forum 2 are seen by Guests members, but they can not download nor play, is this archiveable?
First, I set LDM can_access_link
checked for Guests, then in Forum 2's permission setting, I've tried various options with Unregistered/Not Logged In group, just see if I can make they *see* the link but not be able to download:
A. Can View Forum: Yes
Can View Thread Content: Yes
Can View Others' Threads: No
Result: no permission error page (They can't see any link at all)
B. Can View Forum: Yes
Can View Thread Content: No
Can View Others' Threads: Yes
Result: Guests can download/play the file (They can see but also can download).
The case B is the closest I want to archive, they can see the title of the thread, but NOT the content of the thread. But that doesn't work with LDM, which Guests can see the link but also can download the link.
So the bottom line is, your solution only works if I hide the forum completely, hence it will hide specific LDM folder and files underneath it completely. Again, is there anyway to make the link viewable but not download/playable?